Is There an Age Limit for Cosmetic Dentistry?

February 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 12:16 pm
Senior couple smiling on a golf course

Out of all Americans, retired seniors have the most active lifestyles. This is the group that is focused on living life to the fullest and wants to look and feel great while doing it. Most people want a bright, beautiful smile, but does it make sense to even explore cosmetic dental treatments after the age of 50? Keep reading to see what your cosmetic dentist in Columbus can do to restore your smile as you progress in age.


Is Your Dental Checkup Years Overdue? Here’s How Your Visit Will Go

February 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 12:11 pm
Woman wearing a striped top nervously biting her fingernails

Is your dental checkup years overdue? Are you dreading your appointment because you’re not sure what your dentist will find? Try not to worry too much. The only goal your dentist has is to help you get your dental health back on track. Keep reading to find out what you can expect once you climb back into the dental chair.
