Cavities form when bacteria build up starts to eat away at your enamel, leaving behind a hole that requires a dental filling to prevent further damage. However, dental implants aren’t made from the same stuff as your natural teeth. They’re completely inorganic, which, yes, makes them immune to cavities.
But if they were completely unaffected by all forms of deterioration, that would make them a medical miracle! Though your sturdy prosthetics are durable, other dental conditions can still pose a serious threat to your oral health. To find out what and why, keep reading.
Are Dental Implants Decay-Proof?
As mentioned, dental implants can’t develop cavities. In that sense, they’re decay resistant. However, bacteria doesn’t just deteriorate your teeth. It can attack your gums, infecting them with gum disease. This dental condition doesn’t go away on its own and will continue to spread if left untreated. The ultimate result is a progressively receding gumline that will leave your implants with nothing to cling to – in short, your prosthetics could very well fall out!
How Can I Prevent Gum Disease?
Fortunately, gum disease is easily preventable. All it takes is solid oral hygiene! Since dental implants mimic natural teeth in every way except the material, you can take care of them similarly. Make sure you brush twice a day, for two minutes each session. Holding your toothbrush at an angle yields the bets results. You should also floss once per day, but if traditional thread makes you cringe, upgrading to a water flosser might be your ticket for success.
The Power of a Dental Professional
Besides taking care of your teeth at home, it’s also recommended to schedule a checkup and cleaning with your dentist every six months. This allows them to look for gum disease warning signs, as well as scrub the harder-to-clean bacteria from your pearly whites. Basically, your dentist will help you make sure your oral health is good and your dental implants are set to last for years to come!
About the Practice
Drs. Angela Courtney and Courtney Cox go out of their way to help patients feel welcome and comfortable at Artistry Smile Center. That means they’ll provide treatment judgement-free, no matter the state of your oral health! With their attention to detail and dedication, you can also be sure that your dental implants will look and feel great. To contact their office, call 614-451-7393.