Your Cosmetic Dentist in Columbus Can Help You Achieve the Smile of Your Dreams!

June 24, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:20 am

The smile of your dreams is within reach with a little help from your cosmetic dentist in Columbus.What does your smile say about you? Did you know that it’s one of the first features people notice when they meet you? Are you satisfied with the appearance of your smile, or are there aspects of it you might like to change or improve? The good news is that cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve the smile of your dreams, and your cosmetic dentist in Columbus is here to help!


Our Dental Spa Will Make Your Love Visiting the Dentist

April 7, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drcourtney @ 4:40 am

dental spaArtistry Smile Center believes your experience at the dentist should be enjoyable, which is why we go the extra mile to show you the softer side of dentistry. From the moment you step into our office, you’ll immediately feel the difference as we are more than just a dentist office—we are a dental spa. In addition to the comprehensive and quality care you expect from a dentist in Columbus, we also offer many comforting amenities that you simply won’t find anywhere else. Our warm, caring, and empathetic atmosphere will deliver the comforting and relaxing experience you need, especially for those with dental anxiety. We use sight, sound, touch, smell and taste to provide you with ultimate peace of mind.

Straighten Your Smile with Tooth Contouring

March 10, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drcourtney @ 5:46 pm

tooth contouringTooth contouring, also known as tooth reshaping, is a cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of the teeth. Your dentist is able to correct minor appearance defects of the teeth to give them a more attractive shape. In some cases, the reshaping of teeth can also be used in place of braces. As a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Angela Courtney offers this simple procedure to give you a more stunning smile.

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