It can be hard to eat healthily. If you have a busy life, the drive-thru line at your favorite fast food place has probably become a common sight. Though you may want to take better care of your body by eating better, where should you start? One of the reasons why diet trends are so popular is because they do a lot of the work for you by laying out what you can and can’t eat. Even so, not all diet trends are as good for you as you might think. Here are three popular ones that should be avoided to keep oral health issues from developing.
Trend #1: Juice Cleanses
Since fruit is full of vitamins and minerals that are good for your body, this had lead many people to believe that a juice cleanse is an excellent way to get all the nutrients you need. Unfortunately, drinking only juice keeps your body from taking in the nutrients it needs to keep your smile healthy. The natural juice from fruit is also full of sugar, so drinking just juice raises your chances of developing cavities.
Trend #2: Raw Food Diets
Many people think that eating only or mostly uncooked and unprocessed foods will keep their smiles healthy. Sadly, many of the things that are popular on raw food diets can harm your smile. Fruit is good for you in moderation, but eating too much of it exposes your teeth to excessive amounts of natural sugar, which can raise your chances of decay. Additionally, foods like seeds can get caught in your gums and between your teeth. This gives cavity-causing bacteria plenty to feed on.
Trend #3: Small Meals
Celebrities and dietitians alike claim that eating several small meals per day will help you keep your waist slip. Eating raises the level of acid in the mouth, so consuming additional meals throughout the day means your teeth are exposed to a constant acid attack. This makes you more likely to develop cavities.
Foods To Eat Instead
So, what should you eat instead? A few tooth-approved foods include:
- Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables like strawberries, apples, berries, carrots, pears, and broccoli
- Dairy products like cheese, milk, and plain yogurt
- Lean meats and fish like chicken, pork, beef, salmon, and turkey
These diets may sound like a great way to gain a healthier body, but it isn’t worth it if your smile suffers in the process. By eating tooth-approved foods, practicing good oral hygiene at home, and visiting your dentist every six months, you can keep your smile functioning properly and looking lovely!
About the Practice
The compassionate Columbus team at Artistry Smile Center is here to help patients learn the best ways to keep their pearly whites healthy. If you’re considering trying a new diet and need guidance on whether it will harm your oral health, they can give alternatives if necessary to ensure that your smile continues looking its best. Do you want to schedule an appointment with Artistry Smile Center or are you interested in learning more about diet trends to avoid to maintain good oral health? Visit their website or call their office at (614) 451-7393 to get started.