Veneers are always worthwhile, given how quickly they can transform your grin. Still, the truth is that these shells don’t just alter your smile’s looks; some tooth enamel is removed for veneers to ensure they’re well-placed. You may want to know how much is “shaved away” before you commit to anything. The good news is that your Columbus cosmetic dentist will gladly “fill you in.” So, here’s a primer on the veneer process, including why it removes enamel and how much is taken.
Context: The Dental Veneer Process
The truth is that veneer placement isn’t a “one-and-done” process. It normally involves two dental appointments: an initial “prep” visit and a later “final placement.”
Prep Visit
The “prep” visit will adjust your teeth so the final veneers fit them well. For that task, a dentist will remove bits of enamel from each relevant tooth. They’ll then create a mold of your mouth – an impression – and send it to a dental lab. Using the impression, lab workers will craft your final veneers in just 2-3 weeks.
Final Placement
After the “prep” work, you’ll have your placement session a few weeks later. This visit is when your dental team will cement the final veneers, ensuring the shells don’t fall off your smile. They’ll then make last-minute adjustments, making your whole smile look wonderful. From there, the veneers should look lifelike and blend seamlessly.
Why is Enamel Removed for Treatment?
Removing enamel may sound harsh, but it’s a crucial step in veneer treatment. The porcelain shells for your teeth won’t work otherwise.
You see, removing some enamel helps the veneers stay in place. Getting rid of small amounts creates a surface where the shells can stick. If none were removed, your veneers would likely fall off your teeth after placement.
Shaving your enamel also stops the veneers from looking bulky. Even if the shells could “stick” without removal work, they’d still seem unnatural and draw unwanted attention.
How Much Enamel is Removed?
Rest assured, dentists don’t “take” much enamel during the veneer process. The removed amounts are so small that your oral health won’t suffer.
In general, veneer placement only shaves off 0.5mm of your enamel. This tiny bit is removed so veneers can lay flat against the tooth while keeping your smile intact. After all, dentists don’t want to remove too much – that’d greatly alter your tooth structure.
While enamel is removed for veneers, that shouldn’t stop you from getting treatment. Talk to your dentist about trying the shells for yourself!
About the Practice
Artistry Smile Center is based in Columbus, OH. Led by the wonderful Drs. Courtney and Cox, our practice makes patients’ smiles look like true art! That means our preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments can make any grin healthy and gorgeous for years. Whether you need a dental checkup or dental veneers, our team has you covered! For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (614)-451-7393.