Artistry Smile Center Blog

Can Teeth Whitening Make You Look Younger?

July 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 12:30 am
Woman after teeth whitening in Upper Arlington

Are you looking to enhance your smile? While there are many different ways to go about this, teeth whitening is among the most popular and most affordable cosmetic procedure in dentistry. Not only can it make your teeth appear healthier, but it can increase your confidence and even give you a more youthful appearance. Continue reading to learn from your dentist about professional teeth whitening and how it can give you a smile that you’re proud to show off!


Essential Hand Hygiene Tips to Use in COVID-19

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 2:12 am
Upper Arlington dentist washing their hands in COVID-19

Regular handwashing has always played a key role in preventing getting sick from illnesses like the common cold or the flu. Now that we’re in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, great hand hygiene is more important than ever. Whether you’re keeping your distance while out in public or self-isolating at home, keeping your hands clean can help keep you and others safe. Use these simple but important tips from your Upper Arlington dentist to keep your hands as germ-free as possible in the COVID-19 pandemic.


Right Way to Clean Dental Practice During COVID-19 Pandemic

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 5:47 pm

Dentist in Upper Arlington stopping spread of COVID-19.Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the cleanliness of anywhere outside of the home is a big concern for many Americans. Although dental offices are already pretty clean, it’s normal to have a few questions before you’re ready to see your dentist in Upper Arlington again; however, you don’t have any reason to worry. Your dentist is going the extra mile to provide a clean and sterile environment for patients. They are doing more than just spraying a disinfectant. Here are 6 ways your dentist is keeping their patients safe.


How to Wear a Face Mask Correctly

June 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 1:07 am

Woman wearing a face mask at dentist in Upper Arlington. You’ve experienced many changes over the last several weeks as the country fights the COVID-19 pandemic. You’ve had to spend more time at home to practice social distancing to reduce the transmission of the virus. Besides keeping your distance, a face mask has also been recommended, but if you aren’t wearing it correctly, you’re putting yourself and others at risk of coronavirus. You can ensure you’re doing your part to fight the virus by wearing your mask right. Your dentist in Upper Arlington explains how to wear it properly to protect yourself and others from certain infectious diseases.


How to Practice Social Distancing at the Dentist’s Office

May 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 7:35 pm
two people wearing face masks and touching elbows

You can’t have a conversation these days without someone saying the words “social distancing.” After all, it is one of the main ways to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But is it possible to maintain six feet of distance between people when you visit the dentist? Believe it or not, it is! Your dentist’s office is one the safest places you could be, even during a pandemic. Keep reading to learn more about how your dentist in Upper Arlington implements social distancing in their office.


How Your Dentist Is Protecting Patients and Themselves During COVID-19

May 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 7:32 pm
dentist in Upper Arlington washing their hands

For the past few weeks, you’ve been doing well at adhering to social distancing guidelines like working from home and only going out when you absolutely need to. One day you accidentally chip your tooth biting down on a popcorn kernel, and you’re not sure what to do? Is it safe to visit your dentist in Upper Arlington? Believe it or not, yes, it is! Here are some of the safety measures that dentists take to ensure that their offices are some of the safest places you could be.


5 Foods to Stay Away from to Avoid a Dental Emergency

April 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 4:40 pm
bowl of potato chips

With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, the last thing you want to deal with is a sudden toothache or broken tooth. Although your dentist in Upper Arlington is still open to treating dental emergencies such as these, it’s much better for your oral health if you can avoid them altogether. One easy way to do that is to watch what you eat. Here are five foods you should avoid if you want to prevent a dental emergency.


6 Oral Hygiene Tips To Keep Your Mouth Healthy While You’re Self-Isolating

April 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 1:19 pm
toothbrush holder and mouthwash sitting on a bathroom counter

If you’re diligent about keeping up with your oral hygiene and scheduling your semi-annual checkups and cleanings, knowing that your dentist in Upper Arlington is only open for emergencies may cause you some anxiety. Especially because professionals are unsure of when they’ll be able to open their doors again. While you’re self-isolating, it’s important to take great care of your mouth and keep any tartar from building up between your teeth and gums. Read on for six helpful at-home oral hygiene tips during COVID-19.


5 Bad Habits for Your Smile & How to Break Them

March 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 3:58 pm
Woman with bad smile habits should see Upper Arlington dentist

Healthy habits like brushing your teeth, cutting back on sugary treats, and getting dental checkups are essential when it comes to keeping your smile healthy and happy. However, breaking bad habits is just as important to your oral health. There are numerous ways you may be hurting your teeth and gums every day without realizing it. Your Upper Arlington dentist reveals five ways you may be damaging your smile daily and what you can do about them.


The Top 3 Factors That Discolor Your Teeth the Most

March 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 2:32 pm
Discolored smile before and after visiting Upper Arlington dentist

It takes more than regular brushing and flossing to keep your pearly whites sparkling. There are plenty of everyday factors that can cause teeth to become yellow, brown, or gray. While your Upper Arlington dentist can fix up any stains and give you a beautiful smile with cosmetic dentistry, you can prevent that discoloration from happening in the first place if you know what to avoid. Here’s how to keep your smile safe from the top three causes of tooth discoloration.

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