Artistry Smile Center Blog

Dental Habits in Men Vs. Women from a Dentist in Upper Arlington

August 31, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 9:15 pm

Man and woman smiling together.Did you know that on average more women visit the dentist than men? It’s true. This may seem obvious as you look at your family around you, but dental habits are different between men and women. Who has better dental health in your household? Your dentist in Upper Arlington explains the differences men and women have when it comes to their dental habits. There are obvious differences between genders, but did you know men and women take care of their teeth differently? Let’s discover some key variations between men and women’s oral health.


A Simple Guide to Finding the Right Dentist in Upper Arlington

August 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 12:41 pm

woman thinking with hand on chinYour dental health is important to you, and you’d like to take the necessary steps to maintain it. Thus, you’re looking for a dentist in Upper Arlington you can trust your care to. The problem is that you’re just not sure what to look for in a professional. As you read on, the process will be made simple for you because you’ll find a step-by-step guide for identifying the right dentist.


Have a Toothache? Call Your Dentist in Upper Arlington

July 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 5:29 pm

young man with toothacheAt some point during your life, you will likely experience a toothache. Although you may believe that occasional pain is normal from time to time, it is often an indicator that there is a larger issue brewing beneath the surface. While you may be tempted to wait until it dissipates, you could be placing your oral health at risk if you do not visit your dentist in Upper Arlington right away. They will get to the root of the problem to restore your oral health and stop your discomfort.

Consequences of Skipping Routine Visits to Your Dentist in Upper Arlington

July 6, 2018

Filed under: Family Dentistry — drcourtney @ 4:59 pm

woman at dental examYour toothbrush and floss are your first line of defense against preventable oral health issues, like tooth decay and gum disease. While they are effective, they are only half of the care you need. To keep your smile healthy, the American Dental Association recommends that you visit your dentist in Upper Arlington twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. Unfortunately, 32% of adults skip their routine appointments because they feel that they are not necessary. If you are among those who do not visit their dentist twice a year, you are placing your oral health at risk.

Relax with Your Dentist in Upper Arlington

June 21, 2018

Filed under: Dental Spa — drcourtney @ 6:06 pm

woman relaxed at dentistTo keep your smile healthy, the American Dental Association recommends that you visit your dentist in Upper Arlington twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. While routine dental care is vital for healthy teeth and gums, a recent Gallup poll found that one-third of adults do not follow this advice. Although there are various reasons people avoid their dentist, a leading cause is due to the fear of an uncomfortable experience. Often, dental offices can seem cold and uninviting, but not at Artistry Smile Center. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, which is why we strive to provide a spa-like environment when visiting our office. You will benefit from world-class dental care while feeling as though you have stepped into a luxury spa.

Dentist in Upper Arlington Explains the Cost of Dental Implants

June 10, 2018

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: — drcourtney @ 7:00 pm

dental implant on moneyAre you ready to join more than 500,000 people this year who are ready to replace their missing teeth with dental implants? That is great! Your dentist in Upper Arlington can help you fill the empty spaces in your smile to improve your quality of life. Although you are ready to invest in your oral health, you are concerned about the cost of the procedure. It is no secret that they can cost more than traditional options, like dentures; however, that should not deter you from choosing them. There are several factors that will influence the cost of your new smile.

For Oral Care, Your Dentist in Upper Arlington Says Go Electric!

May 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 1:02 am

white electric toothbrush blue bristlesThe spring of the year is here and you’re eager to clean everything in sight, which includes your teeth. You want to make sure that you have the best tools to work with, though. So you’re wondering, for toothbrushing, which is better – the manual or electric alternative? As you continue reading, your dentist in Upper Arlington weighs in to answer that question.


What is Cosmetic Bonding?

May 7, 2018

Woman with flawless smile outdoorsCosmetic bonding is a dentistry treatment that uses composite resin to correct and conceal smile flaws and reshape teeth. This cosmetic dentistry service is typically completed in just one appointment, and it may be a viable alternative to porcelain veneers for many patients. Best of all, cosmetic bonding is a budget-stretching solution at only half the cost of veneers for most patients. Keep reading to find out more about this unique cosmetic dentistry service and how it can transform your smile.

Dentist in Upper Arlington Encourages Regular Oral Cancer Screenings

April 23, 2018

Filed under: Family Dentistry — drcourtney @ 7:27 pm

physician and oral cancerTo promote the health of your mouth and body, you take the time to brush and floss every day while also maintaining your regular appointments with your dentist in Upper Arlington. You know that semi-annual appointments are vital for preventing tooth decay and gum disease, but did you know that there is another danger to your oral and general health? Oral cancer is a prevalent problem in the United States. To help detect the cancer early, it is vital to maintain your routine appointments for an oral cancer screening.

What Can Porcelain Veneers In Upper Arlington Do For You?

April 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 7:40 pm

Front and Side View of a Porcelain VeneerDid you know that makeup artists in Hollywood used the first dental veneers almost 100 years ago? They found they could easily cover a wide variety of flaws and give film stars a more even, beautiful smile. Thankfully, in this day and age, veneers aren’t only used for celebrities! No matter who you are and whether you have chips, cracks, stains or gaps, porcelain veneers in Upper Arlington can give your smile a whole new appearance. The best part is, they can be done in two appointments! Keep reading to learn more about how porcelain veneers can benefit you and what to expect from the procedure.


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