Artistry Smile Center Blog

Hear the Truth About Flossing From a Dentist in Upper Arlington!

March 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 8:50 am

A woman smiling while she flossesDo you feel like you’ve always been told to floss, but you haven’t been told exactly what it will do for you? Don’t worry – we understand! As a dentist in Upper Arlington, we hear this question a lot, so we thought we’d write an educational blog to help you make an informed decision about whether to add this habit in your daily routine.

If you’d like the scoop on what flossing can do for you, as well as the best technique for maximizing its benefits, keep reading to learn more. You’ll be on your way to fresher breath, fewer cavities and healthier gums in no time!


5 Tips for Caring for Your Dental Implants in Upper Arlington

March 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 3:13 pm

woman smiling preparing to eat appleFor far too long you’ve suffered from missing teeth. You’ve endured changes to your lifestyle due to the decreased function of your ivories, and your confidence has gone downhill. But you’re soon going to experience the sweet nectar of life again, because you’ll have dental implants in Upper Arlington to restore your smile. But your dentist wants you to know how to take care of them before the procedure is done, so that you can enjoy your beautiful smile for years to come. Continue reading to learn 5 tips for caring for your implants.


Help! I Have Questions About Invisalign in Upper Arlington

February 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 2:50 pm

woman smiling while inserting invisalign trayStudies show that one-third of people say the first thing they notice about a person is his or her teeth. And another data set reveals that 73 percent of people would trust a person with a nice smile more than someone with a fashionable wardrobe or flashy car. More importantly, though, is the way the appearance of your ivories makes you feel. Thus, if you’ve been suffering from misaligned, crooked or crowded teeth, it has affected your self-esteem. That’s why your dentist recommends Invisalign in Upper Arlington to correct the look and function of your pearly-whites. She is also aware that you probably have many questions about the procedure, so she’ll weigh in with answers as you continue reading.


Your Dentist in Upper Arlington Discusses Gum and Heart Health

February 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 6:44 pm

woman with gums exposed pink spotDid you know that there is a connection between gum disease (periodontitis) and heart problems? If not, then your dentist in Upper Arlington will reveal how these two conditions, that don’t seem to have much in common, are very much connected. And as you read on, you’ll also learn how your oral hygiene and semi-annual visits for preventive dentistry are more important for your overall wellness than you may have ever thought.


Dentist in Upper Arlington – A Dental Visit is More Than Smiles

January 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 2:34 pm

woman in dentist chair mouth openIt’s a new year and you’re determined to make some changes, one involving your oral care. You have decided to be diligent about visiting your local professional for cleanings because you want to have the best-looking teeth and smile that you can. But your dentist in Upper Arlington wants to remind you that preventive dentistry is about more than just delivering a beautiful smile; it’s important for your health. As you continue reading you’ll learn more about the benefits of attending semi-annual visits.


A Cosmetic Dentist in Upper Arlington Discusses Your Smile!

January 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 6:13 pm
Woman with a beautiful smile

Woman with a beautiful smile

Chips, cracks, stains, and gaps – these are all some of the “character flaws” that people commonly have in their smiles. But if you feel like you have enough character as it is and would rather correct these kinds of imperfections, a cosmetic dentist in upper Arlington talks about the many options available to you today. If you’ve put off seeking out dental care because you thought it might be too involved, you may be surprised that you can still get great results with less dental work than you may have realized. Whether it’s professional whitening to take years off your appearance or straightening your teeth without traditional braces, there’s an option just for you. (more…)

Upper Arlington Dentist – Signs That You May Need a Root Canal

December 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 7:03 pm

man holding jaw in painYou’ve made up your mind that the upcoming year will be one where you pay more attention to your oral health. This year hasn’t been the best for you in that department, so you’ve got some issues you need to address. One in particular is a tooth that has severe pain when your bite into hot or cold food. The sensation seems to permeate your whole body when it happens, stopping you in your tracks until it lessens. Your Upper Arlington dentist says that this may a sign that you need a root canal. Read further to learn what symptoms to look for and the options available to you.


A Dentist in Upper Arlington Talks About Oral Health in 2018!

December 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 5:33 am

Woman with beautiful smile and 2018 New Year's glassesHave you been thinking about which resolution you’d like to make in 2018? Why not start with taking better care of your teeth and gums! Oral health is often one of the last priorities on people’s lists, but the benefits of a healthy mouth are countless. Not only does taking care of your teeth mean you spend less time and money in the dental chair, but it also keeps your entire body healthier and increases your self-confidence. If you’re on board for a healthier smile in 2018 and want some ideas on how to make your resolution a success, a dentist in upper Arlington discusses more.


Hey Dentist, Which Toothpaste Is Best for Me?

November 23, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 12:30 am

three tubes of toothpasteWhen you start to run low on toothpaste at home, do you head to the grocery store and pick up the least expensive paste on the shelf? Or do you have a favorite brand that you gravitate toward? Or maybe you just pick a random toothpaste because you don’t really know which product is best for your teeth. It can be a tad confusing to sort through all the propaganda about toothpaste and settle on one that is the best for your oral health. Fortunately, your dentist in Upper Arlington is eager to help you find the paste that is perfect for your pearly whites.


Get the Answers to Your Questions about Dental Implants in Upper Arlington

November 18, 2017

Filed under: Dental Implants — drcourtney @ 5:28 pm

Model of dental implantDental implants have quickly become the preferred solution to treat tooth loss because they are the only option to replace both the root and the crown. Now, more than 500,000 are placed each year because they offer over a 95% success rate while closely looking and functioning naturally. However, the process to receive dental implants in Upper Arlington is a bit more complex than traditional options, like dentures. As a result, you are sure to have plenty of questions. To give you peace of mind to head into your treatment with confidence, we have the answers that you need.

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