Artistry Smile Center Blog

5 Ways to Look Younger with Cosmetic Dentistry

July 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 2:59 pm

Older woman in dental officeYou can’t stop time, but you can reverse changes to your smile caused by aging. Besides a few white hairs and some wrinkles, your teeth can also show the passing of time. However, your cosmetic dentist can turn back the clock. Here are 5 ways you can look younger with cosmetic dentistry.


Summer Activities That Can Damage Your Smile

July 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 3:09 pm

Woman in swimming pool resting her head on ledgeSummer is here! As you soak up the sun and try to beat the heat, you may unknowingly put yourself at risk of a dental emergency. You may never expect it to happen to you, but 1 in 6 Americans experiences a dental emergency annually. Here are 5 mistakes you should avoid to keep your teeth and gums healthy.


How to Appear More Approachable

June 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 10:46 pm

Two men shaking handsAre you struggling socially? Maybe you feel like your career has stalled? It could be the way people perceive you based on your appearance. First impressions mean everything. Although you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, simple mistakes or aesthetic flaws can make you look unapproachable. Here are 3 ways to ensure you’re portraying the right image.


5 Oral Health Tips for Summer Vacation

June 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 3:24 am

Smiling young woman with cameraSummer is here! It’s a great time to pack your bags for a vacation. While you look for the best attractions and book your hotel reservations, don’t forget about your smile. A few days away from home can leave a lasting mark on your dental health if you’re not careful. Here are 5 tips to safeguard your pearly whites while you’re traveling.


3 Reasons to Get Your Smile Checked Before Your Summer Vacation

May 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 8:44 pm
a woman with a beautiful smile during her summer vacation

Summertime is a time of refreshment and sunshine. The warm months give you the opportunity to go on vacation with your friends and family and make some special memories! While caring for your smile may be the last thing on your mind as you are preparing for your trip, you will certainly be using it a lot as you enjoy your summer. Here are three reasons to visit your dentist before going on your summer vacation.


Begin Your New Journey After Graduation with A New Smile!

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 12:43 am
a graduating student with a beautiful smile from cosmetic dental treatments

Graduating high school or college is a thrilling time. As you step into your new future, you want to be sure you look your best. One of the best ways to enhance your appearance is by improving your smile. By visiting your dentist, you can explore which cosmetic dental treatments can give you the healthy, beautiful teeth you’ve always wanted. Read on to learn about how cosmetic dentistry can benefit your next journey, as well as the available treatments.


Oral Cancer 101: What to Know for a Healthy Smile

April 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 4:29 am
a dentist holding an oral cancer awareness month

As with most things in life, it’s better to take care of something before it becomes a major issue. This can also include caring for your smile! By attending your dental checkups and cleanings every six months, you are not only keeping your teeth in peak condition but preventing any issues from developing into something more serious. While many people think your dentist is only checking for early signs of tooth decay and gum disease, they are also looking for symptoms of oral cancer. By detecting this disease in its early stages, you can receive the necessary treatment to keep it from spreading. Read on to learn about the risk factors and symptoms of oral cancer.


Why It’s Wise to Invest Your Tax Refund in Your Smile

April 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 8:26 pm
a man with a beautiful smile who happily received his tax refund

April brings blooming flowers and much-needed spring showers. You can also expect some extra money to pour in since it’s Tax Day on the 15th.  As you consider what to put the additional funds toward, you should think about the difference it can make for your smile! There are many dental services that are a worthy investment in your oral health. Read on to learn how using your tax refund for your dental health is a smart way to go!


5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Smile

March 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 12:27 am
person spring cleaning their smile by flossing their teeth

Spring cleaning is an annual tradition of thoroughly cleaning and organizing one’s living space. It’s a great way to welcome the new season and promote a sense of freshness and renewal. As the weather warms up, it’s a great opportunity to refresh our dental routine alongside our living spaces. With five practical tips, you can upgrade your dental hygiene and enjoy a cleaner, healthier smile. Take advantage of the season of renewal to prioritize your oral health and keep your teeth shining.


The Step-by-Step Process of Getting Dental Veneers

March 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 9:04 pm
person going through last step of the veneer process

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic solution to fix various dental imperfections, such as gaps, chips, and misshapen teeth. While the veneer process is quicker and easier than traditional braces or aligners, it still involves several steps. Understanding the veneer process can help you make an informed decision about whether this treatment is right for you, so keep reading to learn more about it.

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